Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes We Can!!!

I actually feel as though a burden has been lifted-- the burden of cynicism shackled upon me by eight years of the most corrupt and criminally inept administration in American electoral history. I honestly did not believe that I would see an African-American elected in my lifetime; I began to tear up during his speech, at which point it finally become real for me. For the first and last time I'll ever say this: Thank you George W. Bush! Without your perpetual mangling of the Republican brand and years of dirty politics Americans would not have been disgruntled enough to even make this election possible. We have finally lived up to the dream of America. For so long, all we had was symbols of America, the trinkets of wisdom delivered by elementary school teachers to their pupils, but those symbols and words, that America is a land of opportunity where any child can grow up to occupy the highest office, have been made manifest. We have demonstrated that we are a hopeful nation, capable of change. As Obama indicated, his election is "not the change we seek," but an opportunity to begin the long process of change, an opportunity to apply salve to the long festering wounds of our country's original sin, brought to the surface by the Civil War, exacerbated by Jim Crow, and torn open by the culture wars of the 1960's.

To be certain, McCain's own bungling did not help his cause. His 90% voting record concordance with Bush stymied his claims of being a change candidate himself, having, like Hillary, dropped the experience moniker when polls demonstrated its ineffectiveness (given the nature of the election as a referendum on Bush). His was a largely nasty campaign, having resorted to guilt by association tactics in the absence of substance. Indeed, if McCain had run his campaign with half as much grace as he gave his concession speech we may have actually seen a different outcome. Perhaps we were witnessing the real John McCain, unencumbered by his neo-con handlers. Maybe that's what he meant when he said that the failure was his--his failure to act out of principle, rather than Rovian calculation. Finally, enough cannot be said about the role of Sarah Palin in bringing about his defeat; shortly after her appearance on the national stage, the Republicans began hemorrhaging endorsements from prominent members of their own party (most notably perhaps was Colin Powell)--a phenomenon dubbed by Andrew Sullivan the Obamacons. Of course, none of this detracts in any way from the fact that Obama ran one of the tightest, most disciplined campaigns we have ever witnessed, while bringing a previously unknown sense of ownership of the campaign to the common people. The pride that he (and the rest of us) must feel is very much deserved in every single way.

Despite the historical nature of his candidacy and its primacy in my remarks, Obama will not be the "black President." Indeed, and part of the special quality of his election (especially given the historical marginalization of biracial children by both races), Obama is biracial and multi-ethnic. However, as Obama's speech indicated, he will be all of our President. Does this mean that Obama will herald a new, post-racial age? I don't believe so. Despite the stunning electoral vote margin by which he won (349-163), the popular vote was still close (52-46); even though Obama was the first democrat to win the popular and electoral vote since Carter, the sheer number of Americans voting for McCain (especially in an election where the the economy was the number one issue, and McCain acknowledged that he knows nothing about economics) indicates that we still have a ways to go.

I believe that McCain erred in portraying the victory as one belonging primarily to African-Americans. The victory belongs to us all; it certainly belongs to the conservatives who championed an America in which people pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps, as Obama has done; it belongs to everybody who hoped the nightmare of the Bush years would come to an end; it belongs to everybody who hoped to see America's image in the world restored as a beacon of hope; it belongs to the young, who turned out in unprecedented numbers (1,000 students at Penn State at 7:00 am); it even belongs to the internet (and thus Al Gore, I suppose), which allowed a never-before-seen level of networking by people across the nation towards a common goal.

Will his presidency signal a post-partisan world? I doubt that as well; states that were expected to go Republican still went red, though Obama has certainly created more potential swing states. We can count on the fact, however, that the republican brand has been tarnished for many years to come. They now must return to their caves and reevaluate their platform or else be forever relegated to obscurity as the party of fringe gun nuts, racists, and xenophobes. Given the now fractured nature of their party, the Democrat's seat gains in the Senate, while not a filibuster proof majority of 60 seats (unless the 4 remaining seats all go blue, which they won't; maybe Franken will win his very close race, and Georgia, if there is a run-off and the 3% of the vote the libertarian garnered go to the Democrat, but that's it), may be enough to allow Obama to actually pass some legislation, a feat not accomplished by the Democratic controlled Congress after the midterm elections (due to Republican obstruction).

Does that mean that Obama will lead from the left, creating a liberal utopia? I doubt that as well. In fact, Obama will probably turn out to be more centrist than I'd like. The magic of Obama's political career has always been his ability to bring together both sides of the table to mutually agreeable solutions. The question in my mind now is, where is the center? Markedly to the left of its position for the last eight years to be certain--so the pendulum swings. Only time will tell just how far it will swing, but there is clearly momentum there. It is up to us all to continue its path and prevent a premature correction.

Yes we can!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


This was me trying to convince a friend of mine to vote. Names have been changed to protect the stupid.

Asshat (9:38:00 AM): did you drink the punch yet?
FloydZeppelinExp (9:38:07 AM): you're a dumbass
FloydZeppelinExp (9:38:23 AM): it's not edgy or cool to not vote...I don't care how contrarian you think you're being
FloydZeppelinExp (9:38:31 AM): but I'm voting after work
FloydZeppelinExp (9:39:17 AM):
Asshat (9:41:17 AM): my vote doesn't count
Asshat (9:41:28 AM): and I don't want to vote for Pepsi vs. Coke anyway
Asshat (9:41:39 AM): my vote is to not vote
FloydZeppelinExp (9:41:49 AM): I'd hardly call the differences between obama and mccain pepsi vs coke
Asshat (9:41:56 AM): bullshit
FloydZeppelinExp (9:41:59 AM): unless you're comparing pepsi one to coke
Asshat (9:42:07 AM): lol
Asshat (9:42:30 AM): they are both cola products, one is red one is blue
FloydZeppelinExp (9:43:12 AM): one of them is so senile he said that he wouldn't have discussions with the president of spain
FloydZeppelinExp (9:43:21 AM): one of them chose sarah palin as his vp
FloydZeppelinExp (9:43:59 AM): for fuck's're retarded bro
Asshat (9:44:32 AM): no way dude
Asshat (9:44:37 AM): I don't like Obama either
FloydZeppelinExp (9:44:41 AM): why?
Asshat (9:44:43 AM): he stance on drug control sucks
Asshat (9:44:50 AM): his pet programs suck
FloydZeppelinExp (9:44:57 AM): other than choosing biden he's not that bad
Asshat (9:44:59 AM): he will increase the size of gov. and gov. spending
FloydZeppelinExp (9:45:01 AM): he'd end federal raids
Asshat (9:45:10 AM): his stance one gun control sucks
Asshat (9:45:12 AM): imho
FloydZeppelinExp (9:45:17 AM): oh yeah...because the republicans have been really good at curtailing government spending
Asshat (9:45:26 AM): this is my problem
Asshat (9:45:27 AM): they all suck
FloydZeppelinExp (9:45:31 AM): what're his pet programs?
Asshat (9:45:44 AM): he's all about welfare spending etc.
Asshat (9:46:02 AM): give me just a sec. I have to do some actual work
FloydZeppelinExp (9:46:04 AM):'re talking out your ass here
Asshat (9:46:07 AM): I'll be back don't worry.
FloydZeppelinExp (9:46:20 AM): I know you think you're being cool...but really...just stupid
FloydZeppelinExp (9:47:06 AM): and what about obama's programs are welfare?
FloydZeppelinExp (9:47:10 AM): explain this to me
FloydZeppelinExp (9:47:34 AM): because he'd cut taxes for people making less than $250,000 a year and raise them for people making more?
FloydZeppelinExp (9:49:19 AM): obama cut welfare rolls in chicago by 80%
Asshat (9:49:52 AM):
FloydZeppelinExp (9:51:11 AM): and 200 billion is shite compared to what we squirt out our asses everyday for iraq, not to mention that corporate bailout plan we just passed
FloydZeppelinExp (9:52:04 AM): but unlike mccain's plans...which will increase spending least investment in education, national service, foreign aid, green energy, and health care at least pay dividends in increased productivity...not to mention people not blowing us up
FloydZeppelinExp (9:52:21 AM): you gotta spend money to make money
FloydZeppelinExp (9:53:34 AM): you don't think healthcare's time has come in america?
FloydZeppelinExp (9:53:53 AM): we're only behind the rest of the world by 20 years or more
Asshat (9:53:56 AM): nope
Asshat (9:53:59 AM): I know
Asshat (9:54:03 AM): but here is my deal
Asshat (9:54:16 AM): we've given gov. this much power todate
FloydZeppelinExp (9:54:19 AM): what about his gun control stance sucks?
Asshat (9:54:22 AM): and they constantly fuck it up
Asshat (9:54:30 AM): its time to remove power from them
Asshat (9:54:32 AM): take it away
Asshat (9:54:36 AM): they have too much control
Asshat (9:54:43 AM): He's pro gun control
Asshat (9:54:47 AM): and I'm not
FloydZeppelinExp (9:54:48 AM): well sure...and obama, unlike mccain, would roll back the imperial presidency powers
FloydZeppelinExp (9:54:59 AM): he is? he supported the heller decision
FloydZeppelinExp (9:55:16 AM): you believe five year olds should have access to uzis?
FloydZeppelinExp (9:55:23 AM): like the 8 year old that shot himself at a gun show?
Asshat (9:55:38 AM): eh... well, again, I'd like to point out that my vote totally doesn't matter, I live in *** ****
FloydZeppelinExp (9:55:43 AM): you don't have to's entirely rhetorical
FloydZeppelinExp (9:56:07 AM): because if you support 8 year olds with're an idiot...and if you don't...then YOU'RE PRO GUN CONTROL!!!
Asshat (9:56:08 AM): you don't want to know my answer
FloydZeppelinExp (9:56:12 AM): I know I don't
FloydZeppelinExp (9:56:32 AM): like I said...rhetorical question
Asshat (9:56:45 AM): it's a parental responsibility, not a governmental. The gov. is not my daddy.
FloydZeppelinExp (9:57:28 AM): so the parents of career felons should have taught them that using machine guns is wrong?
FloydZeppelinExp (9:57:35 AM): and that's your solution?
FloydZeppelinExp (9:58:07 AM): the government isn't your you don't believe in market regulation either?
FloydZeppelinExp (9:58:18 AM): because it'll sort itself out, right?
Asshat (9:58:28 AM): fyi, at 8 yrs old I was an excellent marksman and knew not to shoot myself or others
FloydZeppelinExp (9:58:58 AM): congrats my could've owned an uzi and you wouldn't have seen anything wrong with that?
FloydZeppelinExp (9:59:10 AM): because,'re a good shot
Asshat (9:59:27 AM): nope
Asshat (9:59:35 AM): no problems here
FloydZeppelinExp (9:59:46 AM): good for you
Asshat (9:59:57 AM): my father would have kept it in a safe place, w/ the other guns, and I would have only used it while supervised, and on a shooting range
FloydZeppelinExp (9:59:57 AM): I'm getting your son an ak-47 for his 2nd birthday
Asshat (10:00:02 AM): do it
Asshat (10:00:09 AM): he won't use it till he can handle the recoile
Asshat (10:00:35 AM): but he could totally be using a BB gun by 5
FloydZeppelinExp (10:00:43 AM): I'm sorry jake...but advocating common sense laws isn't the same as supporting fascism
FloydZeppelinExp (10:01:04 AM): but you think your son should be able to go to a gun store by himself and buy one?
Asshat (10:01:52 AM): sure, but how will he get the money?
Asshat (10:01:58 AM): he's just a kid
FloydZeppelinExp (10:02:09 AM): his birthday money of course
FloydZeppelinExp (10:02:17 AM): grandma gave him a hundred bucks
Asshat (10:02:21 AM): if it's so 'common since' why do we need laws enforcing it
FloydZeppelinExp (10:02:36 AM): you're demonstrating...common sense isn't common anymore
FloydZeppelinExp (10:02:53 AM): for fucks'd let your kid go buy an uzi by himself
FloydZeppelinExp (10:03:03 AM): common sense clearly doesn't exist anymore
FloydZeppelinExp (10:03:57 AM): you think you should be able to carry a sawed off shotgun around in public?
FloydZeppelinExp (10:04:15 AM): loaded I might add...while you visit 18 of your favorite bars
FloydZeppelinExp (10:04:53 AM): and brandish it...maybe pop off a few rounds in the air?
Asshat (10:07:30 AM): look, you are going to keep throwing extreme examples at me
Asshat (10:07:34 AM): and it's simply not the case
FloydZeppelinExp (10:07:47 AM): because SOME gun control is clearly a good idea!!!
FloydZeppelinExp (10:07:55 AM): you're really pro gun control
Asshat (10:07:57 AM): what I am saying is I don't need the goverment to regulate me or my children
FloydZeppelinExp (10:08:07 AM): but you've stuffed yourself into this dogmatic ideology that makes no sense
Asshat (10:08:36 AM): I can do a fine job of executing 'common sense' on my own
FloydZeppelinExp (10:09:50 AM): it's like the republic party...government intervention in markets is bad...EXCEPT for when years of non interventionism massively fucks up everything and we HAVE TO SOCIALIZE THE BANKS
FloydZeppelinExp (10:09:57 AM): *republican
Asshat (10:10:00 AM): no Uzi cost;s a hundred bucks btw
FloydZeppelinExp (10:10:15 AM):'re missing the point purposely
Asshat (10:10:16 AM):
FloydZeppelinExp (10:10:30 AM): ...which, while remotely still pretty douche-y
FloydZeppelinExp (10:11:27 AM): just admit you're's cool...I'll still respect least to the extent that I respected you after you said you'd let your kid buy an uzi
FloydZeppelinExp (10:12:18 AM): oh...can I post this convo on my blog?
FloydZeppelinExp (10:12:47 AM): do you want me to change your screen name so people won't know how massively clobbered you just got?
Asshat (10:12:58 AM): I'm pro gun education
FloydZeppelinExp (10:13:02 AM): me too
Asshat (10:13:13 AM): ok then
Asshat (10:13:15 AM): lol
Asshat (10:13:18 AM): no you can't post this
FloydZeppelinExp (10:13:21 AM): lol
FloydZeppelinExp (10:13:22 AM):
FloydZeppelinExp (10:13:25 AM): I need content
Asshat (10:13:25 AM): I'm at work and not able to fully devote myself
FloydZeppelinExp (10:13:33 AM): sure, sure...excuses excuses
FloydZeppelinExp (10:13:43 AM): whatever gets you through the night
Asshat (10:13:44 AM): I've had to check like 20 preggers chicks in to pre-natal yoga
Asshat (10:14:02 AM): and you are missing the point, my vote doesn't count
Asshat (10:14:04 AM): I live in **
FloydZeppelinExp (10:14:16 AM): I'll add a caveat to the post excusing your poor performance on account of preggers
FloydZeppelinExp (10:14:28 AM): why doesn't it count?
FloydZeppelinExp (10:14:37 AM): surely it counts more than when you lived in DC
Asshat (10:14:54 AM): nope, it doesn't count equally
FloydZeppelinExp (10:15:02 AM): because your state's overwhelmingly blue?
Asshat (10:15:03 AM): because, ** is an overwhelmingly pro-Dem state
Asshat (10:15:06 AM): yeah
FloydZeppelinExp (10:15:10 AM): and?
Asshat (10:15:24 AM): so regardless of how I vote, the electorate is going to vote blue
FloydZeppelinExp (10:15:53 AM): if you're really pissed about the shitty state of government you'd send a message to the republican party that they've fucked up royally and need to reevaluate their basic platform
FloydZeppelinExp (10:16:13 AM): only an overwhelming popular vote will demonstrate that
Asshat (10:16:40 AM): good luck w/ that
Asshat (10:16:52 AM): I don't want either of the parties to think I approve of their douchery
FloydZeppelinExp (10:16:57 AM): well sure...good luck....instead of let's make this happen...cause you're a chode
FloydZeppelinExp (10:18:02 AM): alright...I'll concede that the democrats' performance has been...less than exemplary these past 8 years...but that's primarily due to republican created gridlock
FloydZeppelinExp (10:18:26 AM): ...sure they didn't pass any reform legislation after retaking congress...but that's because of unprecedented use of the filibuster
FloydZeppelinExp (10:19:05 AM): and I'm especially pissed at pelosi for taking impeachment off the table...but pelosi's not running for president
FloydZeppelinExp (10:19:41 AM): sure...dems suck...but your arguments against obama are bunk
Asshat (10:20:08 AM): ok, fine
FloydZeppelinExp (10:20:14 AM): and I still maintain that you're doing this to be contrarian (and for the inflated ego that brings) rather than for honest reasons
Asshat (10:20:25 AM): I go back to my Coke v. Pepsi argument
Asshat (10:20:28 AM): I want coffee
Asshat (10:20:46 AM): it's the blue can v. the red can
FloydZeppelinExp (10:22:09 AM): it's not too late to write in al sharpton
Asshat (10:22:23 AM): this is my deal
FloydZeppelinExp (10:22:24 AM): that'd send a message!
Asshat (10:22:33 AM): this whole vote crap is all band wagon patriotism
FloydZeppelinExp (10:22:34 AM): a message that you're wasting your vote...but a message nonetheless
FloydZeppelinExp (10:22:49 AM): no...I hate this country...I'm still voting
FloydZeppelinExp (10:22:56 AM): because I have to live in this shit hole
FloydZeppelinExp (10:23:16 AM): and if it's gonna's gonna suck with me having at least made my peace
JavaJakeCO (10:28:17 AM):
JavaJakeCO (10:28:21 AM): you could post this
FloydZeppelinExp (10:29:20 AM): yes...and this would be true of people who don't know what they're talking about
FloydZeppelinExp (10:29:42 AM): you obviously don't...but that's why I just provided you with a free education
FloydZeppelinExp (10:30:32 AM): plus his theory isn't defined at all...what's voting badly? voting against your rational self interest...i.e. voting for a republican if you make less than 1 million a year?
FloydZeppelinExp (10:30:48 AM): voting ignorantly? (which is how I interpret it)
FloydZeppelinExp (10:31:13 AM): let me post this...don't be a chode
Asshat (10:33:04 AM): yeah, i don't like that article that much either
Asshat (10:33:08 AM): there are much better ones out there
Asshat (10:33:24 AM): I'd like to revisit something you said much much earlier
FloydZeppelinExp (10:33:32 AM): word...find them...send them to me hear...and they'll get posted when you let me post this on my blog
Asshat (10:33:38 AM): not voting is, factually, cool
FloydZeppelinExp (10:33:41 AM): that you're a chode? revisit away
Asshat (10:33:55 AM): 30% of the population isn't allowed to vote
Asshat (10:34:01 AM): another 30% isn't registered
Asshat (10:34:19 AM): then the percent of people that are registered and actually do vote gets smaller from there
Asshat (10:34:27 AM): I'm a part of the majority, thus I'm cool
FloydZeppelinExp (10:34:48 AM): yes...which is exactly why I said you're doing it
FloydZeppelinExp (10:34:59 AM): thank you for reinforcing my opinions
FloydZeppelinExp (10:38:04 AM): going along with the're really just being a sheep
FloydZeppelinExp (10:38:08 AM): which isn't cool at all
Asshat (10:38:24 AM): Baaaaaa-rack, Baaaaaa-rack
FloydZeppelinExp (10:38:33 AM): lol...I'm posting this
FloydZeppelinExp (10:38:40 AM): you're a I'm posting this
Asshat (10:38:50 AM): damn it, I'm never talking to you on the record
Asshat (10:38:51 AM): ever
FloydZeppelinExp (10:38:55 AM): lol
FloydZeppelinExp (10:39:03 AM): ahhhh...don't be all butt hurt
FloydZeppelinExp (10:39:22 AM): I'll change your name man
Asshat (10:39:49 AM): I expect all references to me to be changed
FloydZeppelinExp (10:39:55 AM): sure sure
FloydZeppelinExp (10:39:58 AM): done and done
Asshat (10:40:08 AM): that includes where I live
FloydZeppelinExp (10:40:12 AM): ahhhhh
FloydZeppelinExp (10:40:15 AM): alright
Asshat (10:40:37 AM): cuz both the people that read your blog know I'm your only friend in **
Asshat (10:40:41 AM):
FloydZeppelinExp (10:40:51 AM):'re an asshat