Sunday, September 28, 2008

Clinton's Head Still Buried in Sand

Imitation being the sincerest form of flattery, in the spirit of Bill Maher...

New Rule: The news media needs to stop acting like the National Enquirer. CNN's Political Ticker blog ran a story today about Bill Clinton's reluctance to call Barack Obama "a great man," despite using the phrase to describe McCain a week ago. Considering the $700 billion bailout plan that was also published today, this story ranks right up there with Britney Spears and Kevin Federline being in couple's therapy (which I only know because I went to the market and saw the tabloid headlines) on my things I should care about list. Yes, I realize that I perpetuate the problem by propagating the meme, filling your minds with useless blather...but irony sustains me.

The only thing that even phased me about the article (without parsing the semantics of the word 'great' and other than the sheer douche-iness of undermining the Democratic nominee) was this:

"'I think his greatness is that he keeps trying to come back to service without ever asking people to cut him any slack or feel sorry for him or any of that stuff because he was a POW,' Clinton said of the Republican presidential nominee."

Has Bill Clinton been in a coma (or more likely, a simple drug-induced stupor) for the last year? Whereas Rudy Guliani's sentence construction consisted of "a noun, a verb, and a 9/11", McCain's is "a noun, a verb, and a POW," as Andrew Sullivan noted. Off the top of my head: the Katie Couric interview, the View, and David Letterman.

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