Friday, September 26, 2008

The Debates

It is kind of fitting that tonight's debate will be on the anniversary of the first televised U.S. presidential debate in history. Tonight the world will see Barack Obama and John McCain stand side by side, go talking point against talking point (there won't be any real debate, only rehearsed spectacle), and, if history serves as a reliable guide, Obama will be the victor. Not only because he can actually articulate his positions, whereas McCain is quickly giving way to senility, but because, well...McCain LOOKS OLD. In the 1960 debate between Nixon and Kennedy, those who watched the debate on television gave the win to Kennedy, while those who listened via radio gave it to Nixon--the difference being the visual component. Kennedy looked vivacious--Nixon, haggard. While I am confident in Obama's ability to win on merit, we can always count on the superficiality of television (hence why Kucinich was never considered a serious contender) to ensure a victory for him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's interesting that some pundits thought McCain beat Obama. People see aggression and confuse it for victory. (The examples are too many). I worry that the fact that Obama could actually concede points to McCain, before making his own, made the masses see him as a spineless liberal. Versus McCain: the strong, fearless, defender of American "values" (whose values?) god and guns .. rah, rah, USA... America F*ck Ya!? No. What I saw in McCain was another vicious, hateful conservative, who couldn't deign to look his opponent in the eye. He had the smug look of a man about to tell a whopper- and get away with it. If we want change, we need someone who can actually work with others.. not just decide he doesn't like someone and refuse to acknowledge them. Isn't that the whole point of this stupid election? To attempt the unraveling of the greed and violence and fear that rules this country. Don't let fear-mongers win. The media has already type cast our candidates: the maverick and the gentleman. Obama-kick ass and take names!