Friday, September 26, 2008

The Derek Trucks Band

Sorry that my posting lapsed. I took a few days off of work to go to San Francisco and didn't have computer access.

I saw the Derek Trucks Band at the Lobero Theater on Sunday-- what a great way to kick off my vacation! If you haven't heard of them, they're a fantastic fusion of blues, jazz, rock, funk, folk, and world music. As it turned out, the Lobero show was the last of their recent tour and it really reflected in the band's energy. Every single note, even the 'off-notes', was in place; the off-notes only served to set up dissonance for the eventual, joyous return to the harmony. They played a lot of material with which I wasn't familiar--which is always a treat because it lets you focus on the immediacy of the music rather than anticipating the next chorus; I'll have to hunt down a set list. They really hit their stride with a slithery, Chicago-blues stew, that they quickly brought to a boil. Truck's playing was incendiary; the gentleman next to me pointed out the exit before the show started because "that's where we'll have to run when Derek's playing sets the place on fire." He was right...high, I'm sure, but right. As only Homer Simpson could sum it up, the show was "groin-grabbingly transcendent" in every sense.

I want to thank Lauren and KC, and Angela for letting us crash at their places. We all had a blast.

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